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KSC 2024 Goals

Bill Johnson

First of all we want to thank all of our partners, supporters and prayer warriors that have helped us in the last year. Our hope is that we are faithful to Christ and His calling. Our goal is to be faithful stewards, faithful partners, faithful laborers, and faithful disciples. We also hope to partner with you to pray, give, partner, and go as we look forward to what God will do this year.

Here's where we feel God is leading us in 2024 and how you can be a part.

3 Domestic Church Plants

As migrants and refugees continue to pour into the United States Kaleidoscopic Call wants to plant healthy Ethnic churches that can share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ethnic communities. This year we are looking to birth three new ethnic church starts.

A Multi-Cultural Central African Church in Charolette, NC

The Congolese and Central African Community of Charlotte is in need of healthy churches.  These Congolese are refugees from mixed camps in Africa but are making their home in America.  Charlotte North Carolina is becoming a multicultural city and has more refugees moving in. KSC hopes this will be the first of many works as we look forward to starting a network of pastors and church planters who can share the love of Christ with the international community.

A Hispanic Work in Winder, GA

The communities of Madison, Monroe, and Winder, Georgia are slowly becoming birthplaces of industrial work.  Companies like Facebook and Rivian are setting up industrial plants that often provide immigrants with jobs in these areas. The Hispanic communities are growing in large numbers and moving to these areas.  Pray for us as KSC is seeking to plan a healthy Hispanic church in the Winder area in 2023.

An Ethiopian Work in Sneliville, GA

There are well over 10,000 foreign born Ethiopians in the Atlanta area.  Many residing in Dekalb Country and migrating to Gwinnett Country.  The majority being of religions other than evangelical Christianity.  With most Ethiopian families having at least 2 children, numbers are doubling.  Pray for KSC and Gospel Believers Church, a church plant from 2022, as they look to begin a new work in Sneliville in 2024.

How you can be a part:

  1. Pray: Prayer for equipped evangelical church planters, for God to open the eyes of the lost, core group teams, and partner church relationships.

  2. Give: You can be a part of God’s giving team to support church planting catalysts to pave the way to reaching the lost of these communities.  Financial support can help train church planters and core group members, initiate start-up costs for new works, and create healthy ministries that can minister to the lost.

  3. Go: Be a part of a volunteer ministry team.  As KSC seeks to plant healthy churches volunteer groups can be a part by serving at community outreaches, gospel canvasing ethnic communities, performing VBS programs, and connecting with immigrant families.  To become a volunteer or send a team to partner with a new work click here to begin your journey.

5 International Sustainable Church Plants

The work of Kaleidoscopic Call Ministries has lead us into new ventures abroad.  Through the creation of the Returning Diaspora Network KSC has helped see the birth of 20 churches abroad.  As 2024 unveils KSC is looking to help support the start of 5 new church plants in the countries of South Sudan, Nepal, Liberia, Ethiopia, and Burma as they look to plant among the most unreached areas. Because we want our pastors trained and churches sustainable, KSC is looking to help start 3 business as missions projects in 2024 to help these churches decrease dependency in their future church planting.  These projects include a metal shop in Nepal, a new soap making business in Liberia, and an agricultural farm to assist the work in Sudan.

How you can be a part:

  1. Pray:  Pray for our 5 church planters and families, for God to open the eyes of the lost, and the birth of health reproducing churches.

  2. Give: KSC is looking for partnering churches that desire to be a part of a global movement of God as KSC takes the gospel to the unreached areas of the world.  Givers can help invest in the training of a church planter, the start up of a new business, or the development of a new church.

  3. Partner: KSC is looking for 10 churches that are looking to further develop their international approach to missions.  KSC is willing to commit to help train, equip, and help partner churches find the best match God’s calling on their church.

  4. Go: KSC is looking to take 3 vision trips in 2024.  Pray about coming alongside to join us in Liberia, Nepal, or South Sudan.  These trips are not just for pastors and mission leaders but for farmers, engineers, marketing specialists, entrepreneurs and anyone desiring to explore God’s global call on their life.

2nd and 3rd Generation Youth Ministry Development

As many International families have children or bring children in the United States, they begin to experience a difference of cultures in their own families. Children and youth growing up in America often speak English rather than their native language and face struggles of cultural identity. Through our international pastors networks Kaleidoscopic Call is seeking to birth four healthy creative 2nd and 3rd generation ministries in our ethnic churches in 2024. We believe these ministries can pave the way for future integrated models of church planting and multicultural congregations.

In addition, Kaleidoscopic Call is looking in 2024 to create a youth jobs skills and professional development course that will help immigrant youth find jobs and have healthy social networks and at risk communities.  All the while communicating the gospel with ethnic youth.  Students will receive eight weeks of job skill training that can make them a worthy candidate of employment in local businesses and a stronger disciple of Christ.

Here's how you can be a part:

  1. Pray: For vision among our ethnic churches as to how to reach the second and third generations. Pray for strong youth leaders and cross cultural methods of sharing the gospel with youth.  Pray for a movement of Christ following evangelical youth and young adults that will pave the way into the future of ethnic church planting.

  2. Give: In March of 2024 Kaleidoscopic Call is hosting a youth and discipleship conference. Our hope is to see another one in the fall of 2024. With partners this conference will not only share the gospel but help birth four new youth ministries.  You can give financially to support these conferences, train youth leaders, and birth new youth ministries in our ethnic churches.  You're giving can also support the development of the youth job skills and professional development program.

  3. Partner:  KSC  is looking for parter youth groups to serve, prepare food, and facilitate in these youth conferences. 

  4. Go: KSC is looking for volunteers to mentor, teach, and connect with international youth who are growing up in a foreign land. Many of them are unable to find answers to cultural issues prevalent in America within their existing cultural contexts.

Pastoral Network and Training

We believe that healthy churches have healthy pastors. Our pastor training and fellowship networks have contributed greatly to the growth of our international and ethnic pastors. This year KSC desires to begin a new ethnic pastors network in Charlotte, North Carolina in addition to the 2 Ethnic networks and Returning Diaspora Network it currently facilitates. Through these networks our hope is to create a pipeline for church planters and birth four new youth ministries in 2024.

How to be a part:

  1. Pray for our ethnic pastors networks to help provide fellowship, training, in prayer for ethnic pastors and churches who often lack these ministries.

  2. Give: If you have a heart to see pastors trained and equipped this is a great way to support ethnic churches. You're giving will contribute to evangelism training, discipleship training and administrative training of ethnic pastors. The Returning Diaspora Network is seeking to train 10 pastors in sustainable community development as they grow in their vision to reach back home overseas.

  3. Network:  if you or your church has a desire to connect with what God is doing among the nations here on our own soil then we invite you to come, attend, and participate in our networks. Ethnic churches are hungry for American church partners that can provide relationship, fellowship, and a joint sense of co-laboring in the Gospel.

Thank you for your support and we hope you answer the Kaleidoscopic Call in 2024!

**All donations to kaleidoscopic call are tax deductible as we are a 501 C3 nonprofit organization.



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